2013년 6월 18일 화요일

Process of learning english (Final exam period)

I didn't use applications for english learning purposes this week.
I had and i will have final exam this week. So i tried to focus on my text book.

I slept or studied my text book during commuting time instead of listening to Arirang radio or using applications.
But, I listend to Arirang Radio before i went to bed.
I think it was just for 10minutes each day.
I miss their voice. Radio hosts and guests.

I'm taking an international politics class this semester.
I used Skygrid which is a free newsreading application.
I read many articles is related with politics.
North Korea proposes high-level talks with US.
I think N.korea changed their strategy to talk to US. US government might accept their proposal.

and Ban Ki-moon to Visit China
I like Ban Ki-moon. I’m a big fan of him. I also read his autobiography.  UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will visit China soon to discuss many problems tih President Xi Jinping .

Actually, i don't have enough time to use application.First is first, I should prepare my final exam.
It will end this friday.  I can go back to Aririang radio after final.

2013년 6월 14일 금요일

Process of learning english

The final test is just around the corner.
I have final exam next week. I like having a six-day final exam schedule From monday to Saturday.

I downloaded dictionary application which is
" Prime English - Korean dictionary"

This dictionary is a must for studying English. When i read a news in english, there are many words that i've never seen before.

I used to use the dictionary is provided by Naver.  But I tried new app.

Actually i saw the dictionary application during today's class. One of our classmates, She presented about this application. That's why i downloaded this app.

I think  this app is not bad.
This app includes many number of vocabularies, affluent example sentences and various reference vocabularies.
and provides a great variety of the newest words and current English and adds new meaning to existing words

I like thier example sentences. It really help me understand the meaning better.

2013년 6월 11일 화요일

Today's Hot News

N.Korea moved first step to talk


UN’s food agency, The World Program will send food to N. Korea.
The U.S government stopped providing food aid in 2009 after the two nations got in a dispute over
how the donations would be monitored. And i’m not sure whether U.S. restarts providing food aid or not.

What i want to say is.    Unmonitered food aid is for military soldiers.
I strongly beleive that UN should check how N.korea distributes food aid before sending shipment.

The UN estimates that eight out of 10 North Korean families are suffering from malnutrition.
I am wondering how N.Korea launched many missiles?

2013년 6월 9일 일요일

Gangnam Style!

I found this cartoon. It is so funny,

Everyone knows “GangNam style” song by PSY.

Pyongyang is the Capital city of N.korea.  
Nam means “man” in korean.
So Pyongyangnam means that man who live in Pyeongyang.

In the picture, Little kim is dancing and it is called horse dance.

The last scene of tihs cartoon cracked me up

Comfort women or Sexual slavery?

Because of the recent string of ludicrous statements made by Japanese politicians, relations between Korea and Japan have taken a turn for the worse.

I believe Japan should apologize to the comfort women.  
I want to say it is military sexual slavery from japan more than comfort women.

2013년 6월 7일 금요일

Process of learning english

It’s nearly the end of semester. I have final exam next thursday.
Time passes very quickly.
I think i tried many applications.
I tried Arirang Tv, Arirang Radio, CNN, Skygrid, Listen&Speak and Ted.
I know that TEd is one of the most popular and famous application for english learning purpose. so i tried ted this week.

I like Ted talks.  i watched 2 Ted talks.
and i listened to Arirang radio as usual!

I used the app during my commuting time.
So i listen to Arirang Radio from monday to friday.
Every 2hours a day.  So Total time is 10 hours a week.

Wow. 10 hours a week.

It is a 16-weeks course. So I have made some great listening exercise for 160hours. I think i improved my listening skills by Smartphone apps.  especially Arirang Radio!

I like thier programs. Arirang Radio provides many useful information
including Life&health, Food and Travel.

It is the last week of this semester next week!
I can't wait summer vacation!

2013년 5월 31일 금요일


I had a presentation this afternoon. I picked 'skygrid' as my presentation topic. I was suppose to choose Press reader.
And now i am happy with Skygrid.

I used skygrid everyday. Whenever i was bored, I opened the application up and see the interesting news.
I think it works. Even though i just read headline of news, I can improve  vocabulary and reading skills.

Skygrid is a famous application in U.S.
I saw many review video of Skygrid on the Youtube.

I hope everyone in our class to use this application at least 10mins.
It is all provided in english. I know it is hard to install and start using this application. But i bet that if you try once, you will fall in love with it.

I also listened to Arirang Radio as well.
I like new season. But, I am not used to new season yet.
I'm getting used to it.
What a sad thing is one of my favorite show, Bob&Yujin is
over.  I loved this program so much.

I think I made remarkable progress in English.
Especially listening section!!  I got high score on my toeic listening test.  I didin't study and i just listened to Arirang radio everyday for an hour.  I was surprised of my result!!  I will keep doing it!

2013년 5월 23일 목요일

New season !!! Arirang Radio

I listened to Arirang radio as usual.
The broadcasting station made an extensive change to its programs.
It's new season for arirand radio.
I'm not sure but they reorganize and update thier program every 6months.

I tried all of new programs.
There are many new programs for example, Korean book, Korean movie,
Korean food and festival.

My favorite one is Korean movie.
There was a program about korean drama last season.
But i prefer movie to drama. I don't like to wait until next episode to come out.
There are 2 guests in the program. One is professor in Kyeonghee University.
Anther guest is Student who is studying Korean movie at Hanyang University.
I like both of them.  I think they know better about Korean movie than
native korean.  They provided us short story of the movie, the directors and
actors too.

I also like the new program 'video and audio'.
There is one guest everyweek and he visited or participated special festival is held in korea.
and recorded it by video.  I can watch the video and listen to the arirang radio at the same time.
It really helps to understand better and it is fun to watch the video!!!

2013년 5월 19일 일요일

Process of learning english

It's been a hard week. I was very sick. I had a sore throat and fever.
I tried to keep listening Arirang Radio on my way to school and home.
But it was hard to focus on listening.
I think the pill i took, it made me feel sleepy.

I listened "Catch the wave. They have a monthly topic about Food and heath. "Fasting" is this week's topic. According to the guest who is famous oriental doctor in korea, Fasting is important to keep our body health. It was not that hard to understand this program.
I think i'm used to listening.

And i also tried New application.
It's newsreading application " Skygrid".
I tried once at the begining of this semester.
I have a presentation next week and this application is one of our
topics. I will use this applicataion before i go to bed.

Heard Surprising news

I read this news by Newsreading application "Skygrid".
South Korea’s president fired her spokesman Yoon Chang-jung. 
Yoon was one of members for President Park Geun-hye’s state visit to the U.S. He was accused sexually assaulting a 21-year-old intern hired by the Korean Embassy. and  He held a news conference and insisted not guilty.
I don’t know why i can’t find any news related with yoon on Chosunilbo. That’s why i attached the picture instead of link.

2013년 5월 11일 토요일

Listen & Speak

I tried new android app for english language learning. It is "Listen & Speak". It is also free and very simple application.

I went to google and did a good search and i found this app. So, I downloaded it and used the application every night.

I think this is good Android app that helps language learners improve their language ability with a set of predefined templates of how words should be pronounced and understood.

We can learn not only english but also spanish.
If you look at it another way, it can be a weakness. I like this app as i mentioned. but i don't think there are enough materials to learn english.

And the english translations are not quite right. I think they just put the words into google translation. I think it's hard to find the right
app for me.  Arirang Raido is the best app i have used ever.

2013년 5월 3일 금요일

Process of learning English "Korea Today"

I 've been watching "Korea Today" this all week.
I think News is quite different with Radio.
I want to say that Political news is hard to understand.
I'm interested in politics. So i tried to watch the news about
inside of Korea.

I heard about Kaesung Factory many times on the News.
The president of S.Korea, Park  decieded to close Kaesung factory.
N.Korea ignored a deadline for talking from S.korea.
Most of the 50 remaining South Korean workers went back to S. Korea last monday.

I think that Kaesung factory is closed temporary.
There has been no response from North Korea.

I like this application. It makes me understand better.
It's because the application provides me sound and video clips.
I tried watching CNN news to widen my vision.
But it's hard to follow the contents.
So, I will keep watching and trying Arirang news first,
Then i will try CNN news later.

Digital storytelling Script

Digital storytelling
All about me

My name is Gyeong Tae Park.
I'm 26years old.
My major is Business management.
But I'm interested in English education.
Teaching english is fun to me.
Frankly speaking, I don't like my major.
I'm not good at accounting, economics and business science.

I live near 경복궁 station.
I'm glad that my home is close to Chung ang university.
I’m taking 7 courses this semester.
I’m taking this class to study english education using computer and smart phone application. also I want to make many new friends here.

I have one sister.
She lives in china  She is a nurse.
I haven't seen her for a long time. so I miss her so much.

I'm learning French these days.
I think it's a beautiful language and also I want to visit france someday.

I have special interest in politics.
It's not necessary for everyone to be interested in politics. But more and more people are becoming indifferent to politics and fewer people are interested in politics.

I like cooking.
I think i'm a good cook.
It's because I am living by myself for a long time.
I usually eat fast foods but I try to cook every weekend.
I can cook many kind of food such as spaghetti, kimchi fried rice.
I enjoy eating delicious food.
My favorite food is spaghetti.
Testing good spaghetti makes me happy.

These days my hobbies are reading and hiking.
I like reading. I like romance, fantasy and history book.
I don't like going out on a rainy day.
So, when it rains outside, I stay home and I spend the whole day in reading.
When I was in highschool, There was a second hand book store nearby
my home. So I used to go there and got some books.

Also I like to hike in the mountain such as 북한 mountain
It’s a not really high mountain.  It is a nice hill.
I go swimming every morning, and go hiking once a month

I want to work at trading company after I graduate from Chung ang university.
Trade is one of the most biggest parts in korea. I want to apply for major trading company first and I want to start my own business someday.

This ends my digital storytelling
Thank you for listening.

2013년 4월 29일 월요일

Ann chul soo!!

Independent candidate Ahn Cheol-soo won the Nowon district by-election in Seoul.
 Also one of the strongest members, Kim moo sung was elected to the National assembly to Yeong do in Busan.
I’m not a supporter of Ann

I hope  Ann will bring new blood to the National assembly.

Ann and his wife are waving to their supportets in that picture

2013년 4월 27일 토요일

I will try new channel "Sunny side up"

As i mentioned before, I'm trying to study english with Arirang Radio.
I used to listen to the program, "Morning Call"
It was my favorite program because it provided much
more information such as Health and Fashion.

The long-loved program "Morning Call" have reached its end.

Luckily, The host of morning call, Jenny cho, will comeback with new program.
The new program, "Sunny side up" will focus on K-entertainment news on the Korean wave stars and productions
, Domestic and international sports and Summarized international news.

I am very much looking forward to Sunny side up!!

I tried CNN application last weekend.
I think CNN is the number one source for up-to-the-minute world news. But I have a problem with CNN.
The words i heard from CNN mews are hard to understand.
So, i stopped listening to CNN

2013년 4월 23일 화요일

Boston suspects

The midterm exam is near at hand.
I’m busy studying but i think i should post the news.

Boston suspects
Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were refugees from brutal Chechen conflict.
The brothers who have planted bombs near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday.
Chechen has been fighting for its independence from Russia since 1991.

I don’t know why they planted bombs againt U.S.A
The important thing is The whole country is outraged by the bombing attack.

2013년 4월 18일 목요일

Learning process "TED"

The midterm exam is near at hand.
I have 4 exams next week.
So i didn't spend much time listening to Arirang Radio.
I focused on preparing for midterm exams.

I downloaded "TED" on my smart phone.
I like "TED" app. It encourages me.
They provide us much amazing stuffs and I can even downlaod it.
That means i can watch the video clip again and again.
It is very useful. I can learn many different topics and many different people.
I already watched some video. It changed my perception of our society.
I'm not sure but we can see subtitles for some videos.

I just watched the video clip about Smart city.
I watched the video just because the speaker was korean.
Prof. You young jin.  I've never heard his name but
I like his presentation. He talked about platform which means basic step for smart city.
I don't have any background information about Smart business or technological knowledge.
So it was hard to understand what he was saying.
He said our city will become as a huge flatform in 10years. Our city will become one of the biggest Base Sation or Electric system. Anyways, I like TED app as well as Arirang Radio.
I will keep watching and using TED app.

2013년 4월 15일 월요일

Arirang daily News "Marriage or Single?"

I saw the video clip on my way to school.
I tried to watch Ariraing News using my smartphone.
I think Marrige problem is a political issue too.
I want to take one of my friends as example.
Although she loves him, she is having reservations about marrying him.
It’s because marriage costs a lot. 
Why they don’t need to marry? I think it contains many complex issue including political welfare

2013년 4월 13일 토요일

I'd like to recommend this program

I listen to Arirang Radio as usual.
Thesedays my favorite program is "Radio sitcom Bob&Yujin"
I'd like to recommend this program.

Every single week, they have a little role play  Bob & Yujin.
They are mixed couple.  Bob is foreigner(maybe he's from Canada) and Youjin is a korean girl and they married.
They don't have kids yet.   Some times They struggle with cultural problems and miscommunication.
It's fun to see and listen their play. Because it can happen in our real life. They have many episodes about our daily life.

I want to share one of my favorite episodes.
Bob came home with expensive Video game he bought.
Yujin was really angry at him. I think it's because
Yujin wants to save money and invest in a long term project such as
House and their future kids.

I think the actors have agood pronunciation and it's fun to listen the program. I will be a good learning device for student who are easily get bored.

2013년 4월 9일 화요일

North Korea Nuclear Test Soon?

N. korea informed that they had withdrawn all workers
from Kaesung to own their territory.
This would be an extreme case.
Because Kaesung makes a lot of money for N.Korea.

"If there is a political decision, they can test a nuclear device within several days,” the official is reported as saying.
It is an astonishing fact.

But i think we are safe.
US is providing S.korea with nuclear umbrellas
and the chairman of Samsung group,  Lee came back to korea.
which means S.korea is safe.

When a war breaks out I should join in the army again
I hope that It will not happen

2013년 4월 7일 일요일

waking up with Morning Call

I listened to Arirang Radio this week and
I focused on the program "morning call"

I'm already big fan of "Catch the wave" so i tried new program.

The radio program signs on at 6:00
The host of this program is Jenny. I like her voice and she has a big voice.
I usually wake up with her voice.

She hosts two shows which are "Dose and health" and "K-fashion".
I like both programs. It is very useful to listen "Dose and health "
I can learn many medical terms.
Thesedays we are too fashion-conscious
Entertainers' fashion is all the vogue
They introduce some of fashion tips with cases of celebrities
I will focus on the program next week too

2013년 4월 6일 토요일

Today's thinking

It’s time to focus on Ahn chul soo who is Independent candidate for Nowon election.
It was shoking news for me.
Lee dong sup, right, who was former cadidate of the Democratic United Party.
But he was withdrawing his candidacy in support of Ahn who is running for the National Assembly seat in Nown in the April 24.
 Why does he help Ann??  Ann is not one of the Democratic United Party’s members.
I really don’t understand what Lee is thinking now……

Kim Jong Un is owning the media right now

I think that the media is plastered with the news of N.Korea.
Is it a calculated manuever by Kim Jong un?

I really don’t think  North korea will close Gaeseong factory.
Because it is a big moneymaker for North Korea.

2013년 3월 30일 토요일

Today's thinking

I agree that north korea can not win in a war against USA.
I think north korea poses minimal threat to USA.


I strongly believe that North korea will not hit Seoul, They will hit Japan to push U.S and receive financial assistance.

The United States has the largest debt in the world now.
Who owns most of the US national debt?  China and Japan
As everyone knows, China is close to northkorea

In my opnion,
Even if North korea hit Seoul, They can not get many things from South korea. Just both die.

However, think about it!!!
If north korea hit Japan, Japan need much money to attack or defend from it.
Then Japan will offer USA to give money back!  and USA will face an econimic crisis.

It’s quite a long and complex story. To sum up, Seoul is safe!!
North korea can hit Yeonpyeongdo, but it will never happen they hit Seoul

Watched TED Video

I found the old poster from one of my favorite blogs.

Thesedays i’m thinking a lot about North and South korea.
North korea declared the state of war with South korea 16hours ago.
I know the nuclear war will not happen.
But i can say….    Relationship between north and south korea is getting worse… 
I watched a short TED video clip about how we avoid conflict again.
I agree with UN peace keeping force.

After korean independance,  Korea is divided into two separate countries, North and South Korea. It’s because of USA and The Soviet Union.
If you put it like that, both of north and south korea are victims

2013년 3월 28일 목요일

Let's kick off today's learning process

I'm used to listening to Arirang radio.
As i mentioned before, My favorite program is "Catch the wave"

I always listen to the program on my way home.
Actually I love it.
I think the application helps me learn and improve listening skills.
Also i usually memorize some interesting expressions on the radio.

For example. The radio host, Adrien, often says "Kick off".
We can hear the word when we watch soccer match.
I can use the expression in my real life.
I can say Let's kick off our meeting today or the class just kicked off.
I'm not sure those are right sentences  grammartically but now i know the meaning of kick off.

Sometimes i'm trying to copy the way of his speaking such as accent and intonation.
I think it will help me improve my speaking skill.
I really want to coply his intonation. Because of his speaking skills,
I never feel bored during the program.
Anyways I'm happy with "Catch the wave".
I also put the feed of Catch the way on my right side of blog. You can download the hottest AOD.
I hope you enjoy it!

2013년 3월 22일 금요일

Little kim's new buddy

YES it was few weeks ago, but I just saw the video.
Dennis Rodman talked about trip in northkorea.
He said “Kim is a good?????? guy and he does not want to do war.”

As you guys can see,  He is wearing dollars on his jacket.
i bet he got wonderful gifts from Kim. and
He thinks Kim is his friend for life.

Former NBA star Dennis Rodman declared his friendship 
with North Korea’s supreme leader  little kim.
I think Dennis Rodman is the tallest guy of kim ‘s friends.

Cigarette prices likely to be doubled

Although I didn’t know this, I am not surprised. Lowest price for cigarettes in the OECD.

I’m not a smoker. But i’m wondering Korea smoking population to decrease with cigarette price increase or not

I tried "TED"

I always listen to Arirang Radio when i commute to school.
Radio is a tool for listening. There 's no visual things.
and I'm used to listening.

I didn't go to school today. It's saturday!! 
I had much free time and i decided to watch  some video clips.

I saw many posts on edomodo that many students used "TED" for studying.
So i downloaded the application and tried "TED"!!!
I watched 2 videos clips which were 17mins each.
I think the videos were not provided with korea or english subtitles

I want to talk about Sugata mitra.
It's because he is related with our class.
He is trying to teach children who live in remoted areas such as New Delhi by computer programs and applications.
I think we are same with him. We are studying englsih by smart phone without any teachers.

He has a strong india accent, it made me hard to understand his speech.

Anyways, He is trying to build self-studying systems for remoted
and poor children who really need teachers.

I totally agree with him
There are many problems in geographically remote areas especially their everyday education.
Technology is a great tool in learning. We can study everything
using computer.
According to Sugata mitra, computer is a good teacher for poor children. and he got many good cases to prove his opinions.

I want to take one of my friends for example.
He started wanting to play guitar but had little money for classes.
his interest was actually so high that he started youtubing tutorials.
It was quite hard at the beginning,
he never stop trying, and results were extremely satisfying!

I think there 's no obstacle for studying!
I like his saying
"Education is a self-organizing system, where learning is an emergent phenomenon.” (Sugata Mitra)

2013년 3월 19일 화요일

You, are, the only exception

                         Paramore - The only exception

I went swimming in the morning as usual.
When i was walking on the street
A Good song was playing on the radio.

I just remember the first and second lines of that song.
" But darling,
You, are, the only exception."

And i fell in love with this song.
I like the melody of course but, I love their lyrics.

I am not a freak about love but somehow,
the lyrics and rhythm got me

2013년 3월 18일 월요일

Mixed up Monday

I listened to Arirang radio on my way to home
And i got some interesting expressions.
I want to share those things with you guys.

The host asked guests how was your day?
(I always listen to the AOD which is not being on the air)
and one of guests said
"It was mixed up but It all worked done."

When someone asks me how my day was at work or school
I used to say  It was good. I didn't know how to explain my day in english.
So, I cut our talking about my day.

We are very cheerful and we seems we can do everything in the morning.
But when we finish our work and school no one has a 100% successful day.

It was mixed up!!! But It all worked done~  I'm done with my work. i can go home and take a rest!!!

Today's thinking

Will Ahn's Nowon bid succeed? 

Ann Cheol soo came back to korea from USA.
He will run for election in Nowon.
I was one of his supports last president election.
I don’t know why but he is not fit for the position in Nowon.
He ‘ve never lived in Nowon before.
Anyways I’m really wondering whether he win the election or not.

Free newsreading application "SKYGRID"

As i mentioned before, I picked 2 applications which are
Arirang Radio and Skygrid.

I went home from school and I checked the hot news
released by Skygrid.

"Skygrid" is a free newsreading application.
I like this application. It has Clean layout and Ability to easily follow trending topics and news categories.
Also it is free!!!!

The application provides us news and magazine include CNN,
AP and Newyork times.
I enjoy reading some sports news.
It's good to read the news. I can enjoy myself and study english at the sametime.

I couldn't have picked anything more suitable

I listened to Arirang radio for an hour on my way home
It was about our health.
There was a guest Dr. lee.
and He gave us many tips.
I got the latest tips and information for healthy living.
Also they discuss the difference between simple memory loss and severe memory loss.

I think i chose right one. I enjoyed listeing the radio.
It was hard to focus on the topic.
I think it's because just not used to listen to radio in english.
I hope i get used to it soon.

2013년 3월 17일 일요일

How do we wake him up?

I use the application is calld "SKYGRID" which offer
many kind of world news in english. I like the application.
I want to share some interesting news with you guys.
I like this political cartoon. I saw the cartoon in the part 
of world news.
metaphorically speaking, China is called “BIG PANDA”.
How do we wake him up?
“Since China and North Korea are neighbors, the U.S. has tried,
 unsuccessfully, to use China to discipline North Korea.

South Korea, on the other hand, is not waiting for China to
take action. Instead, the South Korean government has taken
it’s case to the UN.”

2013년 3월 15일 금요일

I made up my mind to listen Arirang radio

There are many good applications for studying english.
I can see the list of applications i got it from professor last class.
I have been quite busy these days. I just started new semester and i'm working every weekend.
And I have to get ready for my job. I need something is calld "SPEC" in korea.

I think it's good way to use my spare time. I mean i waste much time to commute school.
I live in Gyeong Bok station. It takes 1.5hours to get to school everyday.
I usually do nothing. I just look at the outside through window.

I want to listen 아리랑 radio during my commute time. I think it's a good idea to save time and study english!

Then why i chose 아리랑 radio even though it was not in the lists.
Since i was very young. I used to watch 아리랑 TV.
So I'm kind of familar with 아리랑 which founded by the Korea International Broadcasting Foundation.
아리랑 Raido is Korea's English-language radio station.
They are targeting both korean and forein listeners. That's why i love 아리랑!!

Of course i want to know about US and English, but i have my background information about korea.
It will help me understand better. I like 아리랑 radio which not only provides useful information on real life
including life&culture, health, fashion and NEWS!!!
It was my first time to listen the radio but i already fell in love with it.

I just started listening to 아리랑 radio.
I looked around  and listened some programs Which were about Memory loss and K-fashion.
It was really fun.
I feel like i met my life companion.

North Korea hit by cyberattacks

I'm interested in politics and political issues in the world.
I think that it's not necessary for everyone to be interested in politics.
But more and more people are becoming indifferent to politics and fewer people are interested in it.

I read political news almost everyday on the internet and application is named "SKYGRID".
It's kind of application for studying english.
I can read all kind of world news include CNN, AP and also korean society.
I believe it's one of the most effective and best way to study english that we focus on our interest.
I use the smartphone to read news,
So it's also related with ICT.

I want to share the hot news with you guys.

I saw the news yesterday.
North Korea hit by cyberattacks, blames South Korea and U.S.
And I scarcely believe What North Korea said. I think chinese hakers commited cyberattacks. 
As i can remember they have attacked many foreign countries.

I didn’t know that North korea entered the digital age. 
I put 2 pics how they learn computer stuffs at school and company.
It seems the guy is looking at the catoons @ company. I bet he works in 아우지 coal mine now.

2013년 3월 10일 일요일

What does it stand for " Plug - in English"

Hello guys.
And you can call me GT. It's my nick name.
I think i have a different major with you guys.
My major is Business administration. Quite different!
You guys might wonder why i signed up for this strange class.
Yes, that's true I've never heard about this class before. and
There is no one who took the class before. You know,  all of my friends around me they have a major
in Business area like me.

Then, Why i'm writing about me now. There are many reasons why i'm talking this class.
Frist of all, i'm interested in english and computer. When i was young, i dreamed to be a computer
When i saw the syllabus, I felt like i found the class what i was looking for.
I want to learn english using many computer devices such as moblie applications, youtube and many
kind of website. I think it will be fun. I can't wait.

Now, I want to talk about me.
I'm learning French these days. I took a french class last semester i got D + something anyways.
I think it's a beautiful languege and also I want to visit france someday.
These days my hobbies are reading and hiking
I love reading
I love fantasy, adnverture and romance books.
I like to hike in the mountain. It's not really a mountain. It's a nice hill

There is Something I Need to Tell You guys.
Some people may wonder what does that mean.  "Plug - in - English"
When i created my account and blog, I had a problem with the title of my blog.
Some people can ask me "What's in a name?" But i think
The title is very important part of the reader’s understanding and curiosity.
So, I made some name lists.

- English hacker : I want to be A hacker who tries to break into english using computer.
It's hard to be a hacker. They are expert of doing computer and they should practice everyday.
I want to be a expert of ICT.

- Broadcasting Brain : I want to show what and how i'm thinking. I like the word "Broardcasting"!!!!
But it's not related with english. If i have a blog for dairy. I might use the name.

- English Worker daily : I want to use my blog as Daily news.
 It's also not related with English and education.

Finally i named my blog as " Plug - in - English "
It menas I want to connect with English by means of an electrical appliance.
I've never studied english with computer stuffs. I always use books.
I hope to improve my englsih skills using computer stuffs.
And get a A+.   I will do my best!  Always!
I think i will have fun during this semester. I'm not a picky person.Also I want to make many friends here.