Hello guys.
And you can call me GT. It's my nick name.
I think i have a different major with you guys.
My major is Business administration. Quite different!
You guys might wonder why i signed up for this strange class.
Yes, that's true I've never heard about this class before. and
There is no one who took the class before. You know, all of my friends around me they have a major
in Business area like me.
Then, Why i'm writing about me now. There are many reasons why i'm talking this class.
Frist of all, i'm interested in english and computer. When i was young, i dreamed to be a computer
When i saw the syllabus, I felt like i found the class what i was looking for.
I want to learn english using many computer devices such as moblie applications, youtube and many
kind of website. I think it will be fun. I can't wait.
Now, I want to talk about me.
I'm learning French these days. I took a french class last semester i got D + something anyways.
I think it's a beautiful languege and also I want to visit france someday.
These days my hobbies are reading and hiking
I love reading
I love fantasy, adnverture and romance books.
I like to hike in the mountain. It's not really a mountain. It's a nice hill
There is Something I Need to Tell You guys.
Some people may wonder what does that mean. "Plug - in - English"
When i created my account and blog, I had a problem with the title of my blog.
Some people can ask me "What's in a name?" But i think
The title is very important part of the reader’s understanding and curiosity.
So, I made some name lists.
- English hacker : I want to be A hacker who tries to break into english using computer.
It's hard to be a hacker. They are expert of doing computer and they should practice everyday.
I want to be a expert of ICT.
- Broadcasting Brain : I want to show what and how i'm thinking. I like the word "Broardcasting"!!!!
But it's not related with english. If i have a blog for dairy. I might use the name.
- English Worker daily : I want to use my blog as Daily news.
It's also not related with English and education.
Finally i named my blog as "
Plug - in - English "
It menas I want to connect with English by means of an electrical appliance.
I've never studied english with computer stuffs. I always use books.
I hope to improve my englsih skills using computer stuffs.
And get a A+. I will do my best! Always!
I think i will have fun during this semester. I'm not a picky person.Also I want to make many friends here.