2013년 3월 15일 금요일

North Korea hit by cyberattacks

I'm interested in politics and political issues in the world.
I think that it's not necessary for everyone to be interested in politics.
But more and more people are becoming indifferent to politics and fewer people are interested in it.

I read political news almost everyday on the internet and application is named "SKYGRID".
It's kind of application for studying english.
I can read all kind of world news include CNN, AP and also korean society.
I believe it's one of the most effective and best way to study english that we focus on our interest.
I use the smartphone to read news,
So it's also related with ICT.

I want to share the hot news with you guys.

I saw the news yesterday.
North Korea hit by cyberattacks, blames South Korea and U.S.
And I scarcely believe What North Korea said. I think chinese hakers commited cyberattacks. 
As i can remember they have attacked many foreign countries.

I didn’t know that North korea entered the digital age. 
I put 2 pics how they learn computer stuffs at school and company.
It seems the guy is looking at the catoons @ company. I bet he works in 아우지 coal mine now.

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