2013년 3월 15일 금요일

I made up my mind to listen Arirang radio

There are many good applications for studying english.
I can see the list of applications i got it from professor last class.
I have been quite busy these days. I just started new semester and i'm working every weekend.
And I have to get ready for my job. I need something is calld "SPEC" in korea.

I think it's good way to use my spare time. I mean i waste much time to commute school.
I live in Gyeong Bok station. It takes 1.5hours to get to school everyday.
I usually do nothing. I just look at the outside through window.

I want to listen 아리랑 radio during my commute time. I think it's a good idea to save time and study english!

Then why i chose 아리랑 radio even though it was not in the lists.
Since i was very young. I used to watch 아리랑 TV.
So I'm kind of familar with 아리랑 which founded by the Korea International Broadcasting Foundation.
아리랑 Raido is Korea's English-language radio station.
They are targeting both korean and forein listeners. That's why i love 아리랑!!

Of course i want to know about US and English, but i have my background information about korea.
It will help me understand better. I like 아리랑 radio which not only provides useful information on real life
including life&culture, health, fashion and NEWS!!!
It was my first time to listen the radio but i already fell in love with it.

I just started listening to 아리랑 radio.
I looked around  and listened some programs Which were about Memory loss and K-fashion.
It was really fun.
I feel like i met my life companion.

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