Digital storytelling
All about me
My name is Gyeong Tae Park.
I'm 26years old.
My major is Business management.
But I'm interested in English education.
Teaching english is fun to me.
Frankly speaking, I don't like my major.
I'm not good at accounting, economics and business science.
I live near 경복궁 station.
I'm glad that my home is close to Chung ang university.
I’m taking 7 courses this semester.
I’m taking this class to study english education using computer and smart phone application. also I want to make many new friends here.
I have one sister.
She lives in china She is a nurse.
I haven't seen her for a long time. so I miss her so much.
I'm learning French these days.
I think it's a beautiful language and also I want to visit france someday.
I have special interest in politics.
It's not necessary for everyone to be interested in politics. But more and more people are becoming indifferent to politics and fewer people are interested in politics.
I like cooking.
I think i'm a good cook.
It's because I am living by myself for a long time.
I usually eat fast foods but I try to cook every weekend.
I can cook many kind of food such as spaghetti, kimchi fried rice.
I enjoy eating delicious food.
My favorite food is spaghetti.
Testing good spaghetti makes me happy.
These days my hobbies are reading and hiking.
I like reading. I like romance, fantasy and history book.
I don't like going out on a rainy day.
So, when it rains outside, I stay home and I spend the whole day in reading.
When I was in highschool, There was a second hand book store nearby
my home. So I used to go there and got some books.
Also I like to hike in the mountain such as 북한 mountain
It’s a not really high mountain. It is a nice hill.
I go swimming every morning, and go hiking once a month
I want to work at trading company after I graduate from Chung ang university.
Trade is one of the most biggest parts in korea. I want to apply for major trading company first and I want to start my own business someday.
This ends my digital storytelling
Thank you for listening.
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