2013년 6월 14일 금요일

Process of learning english

The final test is just around the corner.
I have final exam next week. I like having a six-day final exam schedule From monday to Saturday.

I downloaded dictionary application which is
" Prime English - Korean dictionary"

This dictionary is a must for studying English. When i read a news in english, there are many words that i've never seen before.

I used to use the dictionary is provided by Naver.  But I tried new app.

Actually i saw the dictionary application during today's class. One of our classmates, She presented about this application. That's why i downloaded this app.

I think  this app is not bad.
This app includes many number of vocabularies, affluent example sentences and various reference vocabularies.
and provides a great variety of the newest words and current English and adds new meaning to existing words

I like thier example sentences. It really help me understand the meaning better.

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