2013년 6월 18일 화요일

Process of learning english (Final exam period)

I didn't use applications for english learning purposes this week.
I had and i will have final exam this week. So i tried to focus on my text book.

I slept or studied my text book during commuting time instead of listening to Arirang radio or using applications.
But, I listend to Arirang Radio before i went to bed.
I think it was just for 10minutes each day.
I miss their voice. Radio hosts and guests.

I'm taking an international politics class this semester.
I used Skygrid which is a free newsreading application.
I read many articles is related with politics.
North Korea proposes high-level talks with US.
I think N.korea changed their strategy to talk to US. US government might accept their proposal.

and Ban Ki-moon to Visit China
I like Ban Ki-moon. I’m a big fan of him. I also read his autobiography.  UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will visit China soon to discuss many problems tih President Xi Jinping .

Actually, i don't have enough time to use application.First is first, I should prepare my final exam.
It will end this friday.  I can go back to Aririang radio after final.

2013년 6월 14일 금요일

Process of learning english

The final test is just around the corner.
I have final exam next week. I like having a six-day final exam schedule From monday to Saturday.

I downloaded dictionary application which is
" Prime English - Korean dictionary"

This dictionary is a must for studying English. When i read a news in english, there are many words that i've never seen before.

I used to use the dictionary is provided by Naver.  But I tried new app.

Actually i saw the dictionary application during today's class. One of our classmates, She presented about this application. That's why i downloaded this app.

I think  this app is not bad.
This app includes many number of vocabularies, affluent example sentences and various reference vocabularies.
and provides a great variety of the newest words and current English and adds new meaning to existing words

I like thier example sentences. It really help me understand the meaning better.

2013년 6월 11일 화요일

Today's Hot News

N.Korea moved first step to talk


UN’s food agency, The World Program will send food to N. Korea.
The U.S government stopped providing food aid in 2009 after the two nations got in a dispute over
how the donations would be monitored. And i’m not sure whether U.S. restarts providing food aid or not.

What i want to say is.    Unmonitered food aid is for military soldiers.
I strongly beleive that UN should check how N.korea distributes food aid before sending shipment.

The UN estimates that eight out of 10 North Korean families are suffering from malnutrition.
I am wondering how N.Korea launched many missiles?

2013년 6월 9일 일요일

Gangnam Style!

I found this cartoon. It is so funny,

Everyone knows “GangNam style” song by PSY.

Pyongyang is the Capital city of N.korea.  
Nam means “man” in korean.
So Pyongyangnam means that man who live in Pyeongyang.

In the picture, Little kim is dancing and it is called horse dance.

The last scene of tihs cartoon cracked me up

Comfort women or Sexual slavery?

Because of the recent string of ludicrous statements made by Japanese politicians, relations between Korea and Japan have taken a turn for the worse.

I believe Japan should apologize to the comfort women.  
I want to say it is military sexual slavery from japan more than comfort women.

2013년 6월 7일 금요일

Process of learning english

It’s nearly the end of semester. I have final exam next thursday.
Time passes very quickly.
I think i tried many applications.
I tried Arirang Tv, Arirang Radio, CNN, Skygrid, Listen&Speak and Ted.
I know that TEd is one of the most popular and famous application for english learning purpose. so i tried ted this week.

I like Ted talks.  i watched 2 Ted talks.
and i listened to Arirang radio as usual!

I used the app during my commuting time.
So i listen to Arirang Radio from monday to friday.
Every 2hours a day.  So Total time is 10 hours a week.

Wow. 10 hours a week.

It is a 16-weeks course. So I have made some great listening exercise for 160hours. I think i improved my listening skills by Smartphone apps.  especially Arirang Radio!

I like thier programs. Arirang Radio provides many useful information
including Life&health, Food and Travel.

It is the last week of this semester next week!
I can't wait summer vacation!