2013년 4월 29일 월요일

Ann chul soo!!

Independent candidate Ahn Cheol-soo won the Nowon district by-election in Seoul.
 Also one of the strongest members, Kim moo sung was elected to the National assembly to Yeong do in Busan.
I’m not a supporter of Ann

I hope  Ann will bring new blood to the National assembly.

Ann and his wife are waving to their supportets in that picture

2013년 4월 27일 토요일

I will try new channel "Sunny side up"

As i mentioned before, I'm trying to study english with Arirang Radio.
I used to listen to the program, "Morning Call"
It was my favorite program because it provided much
more information such as Health and Fashion.

The long-loved program "Morning Call" have reached its end.

Luckily, The host of morning call, Jenny cho, will comeback with new program.
The new program, "Sunny side up" will focus on K-entertainment news on the Korean wave stars and productions
, Domestic and international sports and Summarized international news.

I am very much looking forward to Sunny side up!!

I tried CNN application last weekend.
I think CNN is the number one source for up-to-the-minute world news. But I have a problem with CNN.
The words i heard from CNN mews are hard to understand.
So, i stopped listening to CNN

2013년 4월 23일 화요일

Boston suspects

The midterm exam is near at hand.
I’m busy studying but i think i should post the news.

Boston suspects
Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were refugees from brutal Chechen conflict.
The brothers who have planted bombs near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday.
Chechen has been fighting for its independence from Russia since 1991.

I don’t know why they planted bombs againt U.S.A
The important thing is The whole country is outraged by the bombing attack.

2013년 4월 18일 목요일

Learning process "TED"

The midterm exam is near at hand.
I have 4 exams next week.
So i didn't spend much time listening to Arirang Radio.
I focused on preparing for midterm exams.

I downloaded "TED" on my smart phone.
I like "TED" app. It encourages me.
They provide us much amazing stuffs and I can even downlaod it.
That means i can watch the video clip again and again.
It is very useful. I can learn many different topics and many different people.
I already watched some video. It changed my perception of our society.
I'm not sure but we can see subtitles for some videos.

I just watched the video clip about Smart city.
I watched the video just because the speaker was korean.
Prof. You young jin.  I've never heard his name but
I like his presentation. He talked about platform which means basic step for smart city.
I don't have any background information about Smart business or technological knowledge.
So it was hard to understand what he was saying.
He said our city will become as a huge flatform in 10years. Our city will become one of the biggest Base Sation or Electric system. Anyways, I like TED app as well as Arirang Radio.
I will keep watching and using TED app.

2013년 4월 15일 월요일

Arirang daily News "Marriage or Single?"

I saw the video clip on my way to school.
I tried to watch Ariraing News using my smartphone.
I think Marrige problem is a political issue too.
I want to take one of my friends as example.
Although she loves him, she is having reservations about marrying him.
It’s because marriage costs a lot. 
Why they don’t need to marry? I think it contains many complex issue including political welfare

2013년 4월 13일 토요일

I'd like to recommend this program

I listen to Arirang Radio as usual.
Thesedays my favorite program is "Radio sitcom Bob&Yujin"
I'd like to recommend this program.

Every single week, they have a little role play  Bob & Yujin.
They are mixed couple.  Bob is foreigner(maybe he's from Canada) and Youjin is a korean girl and they married.
They don't have kids yet.   Some times They struggle with cultural problems and miscommunication.
It's fun to see and listen their play. Because it can happen in our real life. They have many episodes about our daily life.

I want to share one of my favorite episodes.
Bob came home with expensive Video game he bought.
Yujin was really angry at him. I think it's because
Yujin wants to save money and invest in a long term project such as
House and their future kids.

I think the actors have agood pronunciation and it's fun to listen the program. I will be a good learning device for student who are easily get bored.

2013년 4월 9일 화요일

North Korea Nuclear Test Soon?

N. korea informed that they had withdrawn all workers
from Kaesung to own their territory.
This would be an extreme case.
Because Kaesung makes a lot of money for N.Korea.

"If there is a political decision, they can test a nuclear device within several days,” the official is reported as saying.
It is an astonishing fact.

But i think we are safe.
US is providing S.korea with nuclear umbrellas
and the chairman of Samsung group,  Lee came back to korea.
which means S.korea is safe.

When a war breaks out I should join in the army again
I hope that It will not happen

2013년 4월 7일 일요일

waking up with Morning Call

I listened to Arirang Radio this week and
I focused on the program "morning call"

I'm already big fan of "Catch the wave" so i tried new program.

The radio program signs on at 6:00
The host of this program is Jenny. I like her voice and she has a big voice.
I usually wake up with her voice.

She hosts two shows which are "Dose and health" and "K-fashion".
I like both programs. It is very useful to listen "Dose and health "
I can learn many medical terms.
Thesedays we are too fashion-conscious
Entertainers' fashion is all the vogue
They introduce some of fashion tips with cases of celebrities
I will focus on the program next week too

2013년 4월 6일 토요일

Today's thinking

It’s time to focus on Ahn chul soo who is Independent candidate for Nowon election.
It was shoking news for me.
Lee dong sup, right, who was former cadidate of the Democratic United Party.
But he was withdrawing his candidacy in support of Ahn who is running for the National Assembly seat in Nown in the April 24.
 Why does he help Ann??  Ann is not one of the Democratic United Party’s members.
I really don’t understand what Lee is thinking now……

Kim Jong Un is owning the media right now

I think that the media is plastered with the news of N.Korea.
Is it a calculated manuever by Kim Jong un?

I really don’t think  North korea will close Gaeseong factory.
Because it is a big moneymaker for North Korea.